What is wrong with this ecosystem?
What is wrong with this ecosystem? #socialmedia In the article We are all connected: The power of the social media ecosystem, the authors describe social media as an ecosystem that is used by corporations to reach and increase the masses of their mainly young clients. These platforms also offer the amount of data acquisition and, using algorithms, the ability to adjust offers to the needs of individual customers ( Hanna R., Rohm A., L.Crittende V., 2011). In the days of television where Ms Rhona Thaker advertised her washing powder and touted the whitening, almost magical properties of DAZ powder, the recipient of the advertising played only a passive role. Social media gives you the opportunity to interact with the client. The customer tells the seller what he is looking for and the goods are served on a tray. I have experienced this many times while browsing my Facebook. Just search for something you want to buy. Then go to Fac...